Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with the housekeeping rules below.
The Electronic Noticeboard is set up to distribute OFFICIAL race information and EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION.
The Electronic Noticeboard group is reserved for competitors, team members and officials only and the Organisers reserve the right to remove any person who is not a competitor, team manager or official, or any person who proves disruptive.
In the event there is poor connectivity at an event hard copies of starting orders, results, etc. will be published at Race Control as a backup in the event that messages do not go through, please visit Race Control to view the results and check on any notices posted.
Where connectivity is limited we will make a terminal available for competitors to complete their online incident report forms at Race Control. Should you be unable to connect and complete your Incident Report please attend Race Control.
NB: follow the link to be added to the Electronic Noticeboard - one of the admins will approve your request
What to do in an emergency?
Whilst you are on the race route you may find connectivity is limited or extremely slow. Please follow the procedure below to ensure that your message reaches us as soon as possible.
First - post a WhatsApp text only message on the group advising your position and whether you require emergency assistance. Generally a text based message will go through even when a photograph or voice note is not going through.
Should you require emergency assistance please drop a pin using the share current location setting in WhatsApp and state the nature of your emergency - do you require medical assistance or is there a fire that needs to be attended to.
Should you be retiring from the event and returning to DSP please advise Race Control of this as soon as you are able to connect. Please do not wait until you have returned to DSP, rather communicate your location (i.e. Road Crossing or roadbook picture number) and status as soon as possible i.e. Car X99 returning to DSP via tar road from Road Crossing 6 crew OK.